A long one

After a whole day of doing research I just had to do some coding. So that is what I did today. I have added the basic stuff to add 'bug patterns' to psat. This should not have taken long because the detection of these patterns can be very simple. So I could have done this by simply dumping the rule in a file be done with it. The rule is certainly put into a file, but I have also added a directory structure within the library to make sure that the patterns stay organised.

As my mentor mentioned, the patterns should be organised. It is natural to put each pattern into a certain category. The following categories seem to be use full to start with:
  1. Style
  2. Correctness
  3. Performance
  4. Malicious code vulnerability
  5. Information leak
The first three are straightforward. The fourth category is mostly dedicated to the initial goal of PSAT. The last category will hold bug patterns that can expose data which is not intended for normal users and should not be shown in a production environment. Each category will get his own directory and each pattern will get his own file. Each pattern will also get an unique code which holds the category and the follow number.

The first bug pattern to be in PSAT is using the If-construct to check the existence of a variable. This pattern falls into the category of Correctness and therefore has the code C000. I know it is a bit optimistic, reserving space for 999 bug patterns in one category, but you can never be sure :)

I also wanted to write something about the categories of the functions. While I was reviewing them I thought about how different functions need different escapes. A query can hold HMTL-characters but needs to have escapes for all the quotes to prevent SQL-injection. Data that is send to the user should escape slashes, but also HTML-tags. So I will have to go over the collected functions and give each sensitive sink a certain level of safety needed. This is the same approach as the one taken in [1] and it seems to work there. They have implemented this in a tool called WebSSARI, but the site of this tool seems to be deleted. So I will try to get in contact with the authors of the tool, but it probably means a few hours of research.

1: Yao-Wen Huang, Fang Yu, Christian Hang, Chung-Hung Tsai, D. T. Lee, and Sy-Yen Kuo. Verifying web applications using bounded model checking. In DSN, 2004.

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