Major leap today. The implementation of phase one is ready. This phase consisted of parsing a configure-file and using this configuration to identify tainted sources. A typical configuration file for tainted sources will look like this:
[tainted sources]
array: _GET
array: _POST
function: file_get_contents
But then there will be a lot more entries off course.
The configuration file is used because people should be able to easily tweak the tool. This is why I have also included the option to specify a certain level for each source. A little example:
[tainted sources]
array: _GET level: escaped-slashes,escaped-shell
This means that the variables coming from the $_GET-array return values in which both slashes and shell-characters are escaped. These safety-levels are used in the static analysis.
That was phase one, on to phase two. This is also a configuration file-issue, namely the identification of sensitive sinks. They can be specified in almost the same way as tainted-sources.
[sensitive sinks]
function: foo ( safe )
function: bar ( int-type, esc-h )
This configuration file means that the function "foo" expects one argument and this argument should have the safety-type "safe". Function "bar" has two parameters which should be of "integer-type" and "escaped-html" level. For each parameter the safety-type should be specified. Parameters in which the safety-type does not matter can be assigned the type 'unsafe'.
One can also specify that a certain parameter needs to have one of more types, or it must have multiple types.
[sensitive sinks]
function: foo ( esc-h || esc-sh , esc-h && esc-sh)
This means that the first parameter needs to have either the type escaped-html, or the type escaped-shell. The second parameter needs to have both types, and thus levels, of safety.
There are two things to consider when writing such a configuration file. The first one is that it does not allow functions without parameters. This is not that strange because what is the use of a sink in which nothing can be thrown? The other thing is that the and- and or-operator should be used with care. Since the level that are specified represents the minimal level of safety, the safety-types that are used in operators should be of the same level. The following represents something that must be both safe and unsafe. Which can only be true when the variable given has type 'safe'.
[sensitive sinks]
function: foo ( safe && unsafe )
Tomorrow I will be adding some more configuration details for the sensitive sinks. Some language constructs must be configurable and it does not take very long to add this. I will also be working on checking the safety-types of parameters given to sensitive sinks. So the first useful results should appear soon.