A first chapter

Yesterday morning at about 5.48 am I received an email with the following message:

We are pleased to inform you that your paper, entitled
Criteria for the Evaluation of Implemented Architectures
has been accepted for publication as a FULL RESEARCH PAPER in the conference proceedings.

The e-mail was send by the ICSM 2009 Research Program Co-Chairs. It also explained that out of the 162 research papers submitted, 35 were accepted as full research papers (21.6% acceptance ratio). A nice beginning of my PhD thesis :)


Software architecture evaluation methods aim at identifying potential
maintainability problems for a given architecture. Several of these
methods exist, which typically prescribe the structure of the
evaluation process. Often left implicit, however, are the concrete
system attributes that need to be studied in order to assess the
maintainability of implemented architectures.

To determine this set of attributes, we have performed an empirical
study on over 40 commercial architectural evaluations conducted during
the past two years as part of a systematic ``Software Risk Assessment''.
We present this study and we explain how the identified attributes can be
projected on various architectural system properties, which provides an
overview of criteria for the evaluation of the maintainability of implemented software architectures.